Japan launches rebate program for solar on farmland, water reservoirs, waste sites
Δημοσιεύθηκε από PV Magazine σε Φωτοβολταικά - Διεθνή · Πέμπτη 02 Ιουν 2022 · 1:15
Tags: rebate, program, for, solar
Tags: rebate, program, for, solar
Japan's Ministry of Environment has launched a rebate scheme for solar projects on farmland, water reservoirs, and waste disposal sites.
The program will cover up to 50% of a project's costs, provided that the grant does not exceed JPY 300 million. Selected developers will be able to buy the solar modules, batteries and power electronics equipment.
Projects ranging in size from 10 kW to 50 kW will receive a maximum rebate of JPY 303,500/kW. Projects above 50 kW will be assigned a rebate of JPY 205,900/kW.
The owners of the selected projects will have to consume the generated power on-site and won't be allowed to secure other incentives such as the feed-in tariffs or the feed-in premiums.
Equipment to be subsidized includes solar power generation equipment, stationary storage batteries (for business / industrial use, household use), self-employed lines, energy management systems (EMS), power receiving and transforming equipment, etc.
The power supply destination is a facility on the same site as the power generation facility or a facility that can supply self-employed lines, and it is a condition that power is not sold under the FIT system or FIP system.