Solar Bankability WEBINAR - Technical Risks & Mitigation Measures in PV Project Development and during Operation
Δημοσιεύθηκε από Solar Bankability σε Φωτοβολταικά - Διεθνή · Τετάρτη 30 Νοε 2016 · 1:00
Tags: Solar, Bankability
Tags: Solar, Bankability
Solar Bankability hosted a webinar on October 20 at 15:00 CET to discuss the core results so far before the last turn of the project and the final report.
This webinar was hosted and moderated by SolarPower Europe - Solar Bankability partner - featuring:
- David Moser, PhD, EURAC research Institute for Renewable Energy and Coordinator of Solar Bankability project, will present the first attempt to implement cost-based Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to the PV sector and to define a methodology for the estimation of economic losses due to planning failures, system downtime and substitution/repair of components.
- Ulrike Jahn, Senior Expert, TUV Rheinland Energie und Umwelt and Solar Bankability partner, will share highlights from the latest analysis from the project and present the results of the identification and categorisation of mitigation measures before and after the operational phase of a PV project.
You can download the presentations of the webinar here
The recording of the webinar is also available here.