Solar in the Netherlands crosses 2 GW mark

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Solar in the Netherlands crosses 2 GW mark

Iris Hellas
Δημοσιεύθηκε από pv Magazine σε Φωτοβολταικά - Διεθνή · Τρίτη 16 Μαι 2017 ·  2:00
Tags: Netherlands
Provisional figures released by the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) confirm that Netherlands solar market had its largest growth last year, and that it hit the 2 GW milestone at the end of December.

Newly installed PV capacity for 2016 was approximately 525 MW. This compares to 477 MW in 2015, 302 MW in 2014 and 377 MW in 2013. Cumulative PV capacity installed at the end of December 2016 reached 2.040 MW.

Overall, solar was able to cover 1.30% of the country power demand last year with over 1,555 GWh.

According to Peter Segaar, owner of solar website and analyst of Dutch solar market trends, this year the Dutch solar market will exceed last year’s performance.

In a statement to pv magazine, Segaar expained: “”Although recent, accurate statistical data for the Dutch solar market remain a nightmare, the first update for 2016 by CBS confirms an earlier prognosis by Polder PV in the Solar Trend Report 2017 published in January. The new year growth record established in 2016 will certainly be overhauled in 2017. Many extra big installations on rooftops and a few ground-mounted will see the light of day, supported by (recent) SDE subsidies. This, on top of a lot of activity in several other sectors including the fundament of the classical residential market, the rental housing and the building sectors, and the many energy cooperatives.”

According to the CBS, approximately 1,051 MW of the 1,515 MW of PV power connected to the grid in the country at the end of 2015 consists of residential PV capacity, 69% of total accumulated market volume. “The exact volume of non-residential net-metering solar installations, however, remains unknown,” explained Segaar.

In early April, the Dutch Ministry of Economy has announced it has pre-qualified PV projects with a combined capacity of 2,647 MW in the first phase of the 2017 SDE+ (Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie) program for large-scale solar and renewable energy power projects. Solar accounts for 69.4% of the total preassigned capacity. So far, at least 430 MW of PV capacity was installed under the SDE+ scheme since it was launched in 2008.

Iris Hellas,  Δωδεκανήσου 40, 567 28, Θεσσαλονίκη. Τηλ.:+30 2310 809414  email: [email protected]
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